Establishing a mission for an education institution is a crucial step in defining its purpose, goals, and values. When developing a mission statement, consider the following questions and the types of evidence that can support and validate your mission according to the first standard of accreditation for education providers:

    1. The institution shall clearly define a comprehensive, and published mission specific to the institution and appropriate for the education provided. The mission addresses teaching and learning and, where applicable, Social Responsibility and public service.

Questions to Consider

  • What constitutes the published “mission” of the institution? Is it a single statement or a broader collection of statements?
  • Where is the mission statement published? Is the language of the mission consistent across publications?
  • How is the mission statement appropriate to the institution educational services?
  • How does the mission address teaching and learning and, if appropriate, social responsibility and/or public service?
  • How does the mission statement reflect the institutional values, educational programs and levels of degrees offered by the institution?

Evidence Required

  • A copy of the mission statement.
  • Evidence it is published.
  • Website display of the mission statement.
    1. The mission shall be developed through appropriate collaborative participation by all who facilitate or are otherwise responsible for institutional development and improvement.

Questions to Consider:

  • What is the composition of the committee/ Board that developed the mission statement?
  • Are the members participated in the preparation of the mission statement representing the different interests of the institution?

Evidence Required

  • Attendance, and minutes of meetings showing that different interests contributed to the creation of the mission statement.