New Medical Education Provider accredited, ZMK training Egypt

Congratulations on achieving accreditation, ZMK training Centre located in Cairo, Egypt has been accredited as a medical education provider in the following programs:

  • Clinical Pharmacy
  • Advanced Critical Care
  • Advanced Bleeding Management
  • Mechanical Ventilator
  • Emergency Medical Aid Training of Trainers (TOT)

ZMK is a training and skills development centre for healthcare providers established in Egypt in the year 2019 and provided courses in the medical field for more than 3590 trainees.

Dr. Zaki Mohamed, ZMK CEO commented that he is pleased to be accredited by the American Accreditation Association (AAA) as ZMK only seeks the highest recognition level of training and educational excellence. This accreditation is a pivotal step in influencing education quality and continuous improvement in the Egyptian Medical Education industry.