LinkedIn published a new report for Workplace Learning To whom interested in the training and learning

Living and working through the pandemic and economic and social tumult has prompted individuals to prfioritize flexibility and fulfilment. Organizations are reexamining business strategies, workforce models, values, and culture — often steered by new demands from employees themselves.


The transformation of L&D means learning leaders are knocking down traditional silos to collaborate on a more holistic vision for HR. They’re reaching for fresh solutions to tie skill building to career paths, internal mobility, and retention, while also bringing a new sense of care and humanity to employee well-being, diversity, and inclusion.


Keeping pace with this rate of change is an enormous challenge. This report is here to help. Success is built one step at a time, by capitalizing on industry data, tapping the support and wisdom of colleagues, gleaning advice from top thinkers, and — above all — championing a world changing notion: Learning is the foundation of any great endeavour. Organizations that prize constant learning will lead the world as they build the new normal.


You can read the full report through the link