World Quality Week 2022 is your opportunity to celebrate your quality achievements, and recognize those that use conscience in their decision-making at every level.
AAA is celebrating the World Quality Week, which is an annual campaign initiated by the Chartered Quality Institute, which raises awareness of the quality management profession globally. This year, our focus will be on quality conscience.
Increasingly, organizations are expected to expand their scope of responsibility and to do the right thing, not only for the shareholder/taxpayer, customers and staff, but the environment and society at large. This demand for businesses to use conscience in their decision-making at every level creates more difficult ethical dilemmas.
Quality management is not only about designing and improving the quality of product and service, but also about the methods organizations employ to deliver them to customers and stakeholders across their value stream. This year’s World Quality Week theme provides an opportunity to reflect on how corporate culture and conscience can help or hinder an organization to make decisions and ‘do the right thing’ for all stakeholders.